WinPicProg PIC Tutorial
is an ongoing series of beginners PIC tutorials, started in June 2002, they
will describe the construction of simple modular hardware and give examples
of code to make use of it. The boards are connected together by leads with
Molex 10 pin connectors, and it's designed so that more than one extension
board will be used as the tutorials develop. There's a great deal of free
source code you can download from the Internet, a superb resource is the
PicList - and I will probably be using
many snippets of code from there.
are extremely versatile devices, they are basically an entire computer on a
chip, the device used in this tutorial is particularly easy to use as it's a
'FLASH' based chip, which allows easy reprogramming, and it requires hardly
any support components (not even a clock crystal). For a suitable
programmer, please refer to my
WinPicProg site. Although any programmer and software capable of
programming a 16F628 will be suitable, obviously I'm using my own WinPicProg
software, in conjunction with the P16PRO40 hardware.
for this tutorial series will be available on my
PicProg BBS, I'll be
adding an extra forum just for tutorial questions, by asking questions in
the forum other users will be able to take advantage of any answers given,
and provide answers themselves.
decided to base this tutorial on the PIC16F628 rather than the 16F84, there
are a number of reasons for this!.
- The 16F628 is now often cheaper.
- It contains more program memory and registers.
- It has more hardware facilities.
- It has a built-in 4MHz oscillator, making it easier (and cheaper) to
- It has more I/O pins, 16 as opposed to 13 for the 16F84, the extra 3
I/O pins take the place of the oscillator in and out connections, and the
MCLR (reset) pin - to use these extra 3 pins you must set the oscillator
to internal, and disable the MCLR pin. The examples given will include
this in the configuration fuse settings.
16F628 has it's I/O pins split across two ports, PortA and PortB, these have
quite different properties, and it's important to understand these
differences or things don't always work as you expect!. Firstly PortB, this
is pretty straightforward, although some of the pins can be used by various
of the built-in hardware, as a normal port all pins can be inputs or
outputs. PortA is a little less straightforward, all pins can be used as
inputs, but RA5 can only be used as an input, and RA4 has an
'open-collector' output stage, this means it requires a 'pull up' resistor
to function as a 'normal' output - it can 'sink' current, but can't 'source'
it. RA4 in the 16F84 has the same properties - this is often a cause of
now introduced a second alternative processor board, based on the larger
PIC16F876, running at 20MHz, I'll be introducing specific tutorials using
this board, and also giving details of the slight changes necessary for
using the existing tutorials on the new board.
first part of the Tutorial 1 will simply pulse all the output pins
repeatedly, and will demonstrate how to setup the PIC before use. Most of
the Tutorials will include a number of examples (1.1, 1.2 etc), starting
with a very simple example and working towards slightly harder ones.
Although 'Tutorial 1' specifies it needs the LED Board, the first couple of
parts of the tutorial can be used without it, by selecting Jumper J1 to
connect the on-board LED to pin RB7. To build the boards see the
hardware page.
Tutorial Number |
Boards required. |
What do we learn?. |
Hardware |
Hardware for the tutorials. |
Hardware Extras |
Extra little circuits that will be useful. |
Tutorial 0 |
Programmer board and software. |
How to actually program a chip. |
Tutorial 1 |
Main Board, (LED Board). |
How to flash LED's. |
Tutorial 2 |
Main Board, Switch Board, (LED Board). |
How to read switches. |
Tutorial 3 |
Main Board, LCD Board, (Switch Board). |
How to use an LCD text module. |
Tutorial 4 |
Main Board, Joystick Board, LCD Board. |
How to read a PC Joystick. |
Tutorial 5 |
2 x Main Board, 2 x IR Board, LCD Board, Switch Board. |
How to do IR communications. |
Tutorial 6 |
Main Board, LCD Board, various I2C Boards. |
How to use I2C. |
Tutorial 7 |
Main Board, LCD Board, RS232 Board. |
How to do RS232. |
Tutorial 8 |
Main Board 2. |
How to do hardware PWM. |
Tutorial 9 |
Main Board, Keypad Board, LCD Board, IR Board, RS232 Board. |
How to use a HEX keypad. |
Tutorial 10 |
Main Board, 7 Segment LED Board. |
How to use dual 7 segment LED's. |
Tutorial 11 |
Main Board 2 or 3, Analogue Board, LCD Board, RS232 Board. |
How to use analogue inputs. |
Tutorial 12 |
Two Main Boards, One 876 Main Board, TX Board, RX Board,
LCD Board, RS232 Board, Switch Board, LED Board, Analogue Board. |
How to use licence free
wireless modules. |
Tutorial 13 |
876/877 Main Board, Multiplex LED Board. |
How to multiplex a matrix of LED's. |
Tutorial 14 |
To be decided. |
To be decided. |